teller, 2018-2023
Interactive durational performance
For two and a half hours at a café in Midtown Manhattan (2018) and on several days during their solo exhibition on the Lower East Side in NYC (2023), the artist invited random participants to sit down with them for one-on-one sessions to share the participants’ worries and wishes. After listening, the artist made each person a unique drawing that would help them achieve that overcome their obstacles and make their wishes come true.
Through the work, the artist attempted to enact an artist’s role as a paid “worker” of contemporary times, while also attempting to provide the empathy and emotional engagement of a spiritual artist figure that forged collective identity throughout human histories. In the mode of any capitalist laborer, they tried to see as many people as possible, while maintaining a level of quality in engagement. The artist worked with several challenges during the performance: extreme social anxiety and limited physical capacity. Just a few months prior to the performance, they had been diagnosed with several debilitating chronic illnesses, and was still struggling with painful symptoms at the time of the performance. Two and a half hours was a test of endurance at the time, and trying to remain spiritually open and giving in the midst of the physical struggle and fear of people was an immense challenge.
teller, 2018-2023
대화형 지속적 퍼포먼스
뉴욕 맨하탄에 위치한 카페 (2018), 그리고 로워이스트에서 열렸던 개인전 (2023)에서 2시간 반 동안 지나가는 일반인들을 상대로 퍼포먼스를 했다. 참가자들과 한 명씩 앉아서 그 들의 고민과 희망 등을 이야기해 달라고 부탁했다. 이야기를 들은 후, 그 자리에서 각자의 고민을 해결해주고 꿈을 이루게 해주는 그림을 그려주었다.